Tuesday, July 31, 2007


We went dancing last Saturday, and my friend L came to pick me up. She spent an hour first having drinks with the friend M I'm staying with for two days. A thunderstorm raged (once again) outside. Well, this weather is good for something, she said, it's the Great Policeman of the Sky...

What do you mean? we asked.

The crime rate drops when it rains, she says. Didn't you know that?

Only in the Monsoon in India, says M. (Not that he's ever been there).

That's because everything is flooded, I say. Anyhow, how do you know something like that?

M shrugs. I just do, he says.

I'm telling you, the crime rate drops everywhere, says L.

After drinks, we went outside to her car to drive to the salsa venue. Oh, f*** f*** f*** f***! she screamed, they've done it again, they've got into my car and the stereo is gone. Even the speakers!

It seemed the thunderstorm had kindly masked the car alarm going off. First night going out in Cape Town, my friend's car stereo is stolen in one hour of being parked outside the house. It's the norm here. You can buy the removable fronts, so people still steal the inner sections.

I'll report it tomorrow, she says. Let's get to salsa. So we did. Nothing's changed here, even the Great Policeman in the Sky is corrupt. But the dance goes on...

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